Many of you may already be experiencing #flipgridfever at the moment with this fantastic new App which helps gives students a voice in the classroom. Karly Moura and Sean Fahey have put out excellent blogs via Twitter about how to use FlipGrid in the general and Mathematics classrooms. If you haven't already seen the awesome resources, check out the links below: 15+ ways to use FlipGrid in your classroom 10 ways to enhance maths lessons with @flipgrid As a Science teacher I am always looking for ways to continue to improve students learning and see FlipGrid as a valuable tool. Over the winter break I brainstormed ways that I could integrate this App into my Science classroom. Many of these tasks could be further extended by requiring students to reply and provide feedback to their peers. So without further ado, here are Miss Lawson's 10 ways to use FlipGrid to improve learning and engagement in the Science classroom: ...